Lydia Wells
Board Member
Lydia, "Lyds," has been part of the RYLA family since 2002, most recently serving as the RYLA District 7255 Chairperson. Lydia resigned her role as Chairperson to accept District 7255's nomination for Governor, and will preside as District Governor in the 2025-2026 Rotary year. Her educational background includes a BS in Elementary Education and a MS plus in Guidance and Counseling. She spent 30 years as a Guidance Counselor in the Greenport School district after having been an elementary teacher for the Department of Defense. Lyds has been a Rotarian for 22 years. She has served three terms as president of the Rotary Club of Greenport and has held several District-level positions. She has also been blessed to travel with Rotary on humanitarian trips to Cambodia, and Nepal. Lyds has several passions. She loves to travel and loves being part of the RYLA family. She has watched the program grow from a one afternoon program run by adults to a year round program run by students. She is extremely proud to have had the opportunity to to share our wonderful RYLA program by participating in several international and zone panels for Rotarians worldwide. Lydia feels blessed to help guide so many young people in their leadership journey and loves that so many of our Rylarians stay involved with the program as they become adult leaders. She can’t wait to see how the program continues to grow with all of "our" leaders!