Rich Wells
Committee Member
Rich has been part of the RYLA family along with his wife Lydia since 2002. Rich is retired from the government and also from his second career as a healthcare provider. Rich has been a Rotarian for nearly a decade and he is a past president of the Rotary Club of Greenport and is currently serving as program chairperson of his club. Rich enjoys traveling and has been part of several Rotary Humanitarian trips to Cambodia and Nepal. With Rotary, the world is very small and he has had the opportunity to meet many Rotarians at International conferences. Rich can be seen at RYLA either parking cars or being the “cut-up” guy. At summer, Rich gets up early each morning to fix fresh strawberries for the Rylarians. Rich enjoys watching the young Rylarians grow and develop into confident leaders. Rich and Lydia have been married for 48 years and have two adult children and four grandchildren.